Show 070 – Free For All (2019-07-20)

posted in: Past Shows

Katie selected a bunch of great tracks for a free-for-all show, where we play tunes and songs without a unifying theme. This week, we play Cillian Vallely & Kevin Crawford, Adam Hendey, Usher’s Island, Sharon Shannon, The Chieftains, Fódhla, Aoibheann … Read More

Show 068 – Animal Magnetism (2019-07-06)

posted in: Past Shows

This week, it’s songs and tunes about our furry friends. Whether they moo, mew, woof, squeak, or bleat, we’ve dug up enough fun music about animals that we would have several weeks’ worth of good material. We’ve distilled our list … Read More

Show 066 – Summer Solstice (2019-06-15)

posted in: Past Shows

It’s hard to believe, but we’re halfway through this year already, so Katie and Joe have come up with a whole basket of tunes that celebrate summer and the summer solstice. This is a hot set of tracks, so grab … Read More

Show 065 – Free For All (2019-06-01)

posted in: Past Shows

This week , Katie and Joe stirred the kettle and cooked up another show of Irish, Scottish, and Breton music that caught their ears. Join us for wild ride around the Celtic world!We feature artists Pennoù Skoulm , Kornog, Becky … Read More

Show 064 – Free For All (2019-05-25)

posted in: Past Shows

It’s a free-for-all show, which means that Katie and Joe play whatever strikes their fancy. We play several tune sets from the Celtic nations of Brittany, Asturias, and Galicia, as well as some tasty sets from Ireland and Scotland. While … Read More

Show 063 – Lá Bealtaine (2019-05-11)

posted in: Past Shows

Thugamar Féin an Samhradh Linn–“We Have Brought The Summer With Us.” It’s Bealtaine, one of the four major Celtic fire festivals, so Joe and Katie dig up joyful tunes and songs dealing with Bealtaine, the first of May, and the … Read More

Show 062 – On the House (2019-05-04)

posted in: Past Shows

Katie and Joe just started dealing with roofing contractors–which led to this week’s subject: drinking. Wherever there is Celtic music anywhere in the world, a song or tune about alcohol is not far behind. The pub has always been the … Read More

Show 061 – Death and Taxes (2019-04-27)

posted in: Past Shows

Here in the US, we just endured “tax day” where Americans calculate how much they owe the Federal government. Katie and Joe put together a show where we examine the inevitablitity of both Death and Taxes. We bring out a … Read More

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