Show 299 – Solstice Holidays

posted in: Past Shows

The Winter Solstice is a time when many faiths across the world celebrate the concept of rebirth and renewal. Katie Marie and Joe put together an hour of wintry and holiday-themed Celtic music to celebrate the days getting longer and … Read More

Show 298 – Piping Hot

posted in: Past Shows

This week, Katie Marie and Joe present an hour of…bagpipes. Although “bagpipes” conjures up images of regimental marching bands of Great Highland Pipes, there are almost as many different kinds of bagpipes as there are countries in the world. We’ll … Read More

Show 297 – Free For All

posted in: Past Shows

This week, Katie Marie and Joe put together a Free For All show, which means there’s no theme this week–but we do have a bunch of brand new releases that we’ve been itching to get on the air, so you’ll … Read More

Show 296 – Scottish Show

posted in: Past Shows

November 30th marks St. Andrew’s Day, the celebration of Scotland’s patron saint. Katie Marie and Joe put together an hour of mostly Scottish music, interspersed with some music from brand new CDs we just received in the mail. The artists … Read More

Show 295 – Feast

posted in: Past Shows

Thanksgiving is coming up in the US, and Katie Marie and Joe celebrate feasting, food, drink, family, and home with an hour of traditional Celtic music for the occasion. The artists this week: The Humours; Beth Patterson; Antóin Mac Gabhann … Read More

Show 293 – Veteran’s Day

posted in: Past Shows

This week, Katie Marie and Joe honor the veterans that have fought for our country over the decades. Celtic music is renowned not only for songs about the supernatural and love, but the music reflects the centuries of conflicts endured … Read More

Show 292 – Halloween

posted in: Past Shows

The popular imagining of Samhain is, of course, All Hallow’s Eve, or as we all know it, Hallowe’en. Katie Marie and Joe put together a spooky and sometimes grisly hour of traditional Celtic music featuring ghosts, devils, witches, and other … Read More

Show 291 – Samhain Special

posted in: Past Shows

This time of year brings an abundance of trad Celtic music featuring stories and tunes of the spirit world. Samhain is a transitional time, where Autumn has a firm grip on the liminal boundary between Summer and Winter. According to … Read More

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