Show 029 – 7th Free For All (2018-08-18)

posted in: Past Shows

Katie and Joe spin up some great traditional music from around the Celtic world. With tracks from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, Galicia, and even Poland, this show has something to please any Celtic music fan.We’ve got some brand new material from … Read More

Show 028 – Tommy Peoples (2018-08-11)

posted in: Past Shows

On August 4th, the world lost one of the great Irish traditional players, the Donegal fiddler and prolific composer, Tommy Peoples. If you play Irish music, one of his tunes undoubtedly blossomed out of your instrument. He inspired and influenced … Read More

Show 027 – Free Reed Frenzy (2018-08-04)

posted in: Past Shows

It’s our special episode featuring accordions and concertinas, which are the driving force behind great Celtic dance music. “Free Reed” refers to the finely-tuneds metal reeds that vibrate inside accordions, melodions, and concertinas as opposed to the wooden reeds of … Read More

Show 026 – Launch the Flutilla! (2018-07-28)

posted in: Past Shows

Katie and Joe dig into the collection to bring forth some fine flute players from Irish, Scottish, Breton, and Asturian traditions. All these players are masters of the instrument, such as Matt Molloy, Kevin Crawford, Nuala Kennedy, Sylvain Barou, Muireann … Read More

Show 025 – The Interview Show (2018-07-21)

posted in: Past Shows

In this episode, Joe and Katie feature short, intimate interviews with five different musicians who are legendary in Irish music. We collected these interviews at a gathering of Celtic musicians in Asheville, NC, where we asked each artist about their … Read More

Show 024 – 6th Free For All (2018-07-14)

posted in: Past Shows

It’s Summertime up here in northwestern Nevada, which means it’s typical high desert weather: hot and cold in the same twenty four hour period. There’s no theme this week, but we do have a fine selection of Breton music in … Read More

Show 023 – 5th Free For All (2018-07-07)

posted in: Past Shows

No theme this week! Just some great Celtic tracks both old and new. We’re still enjoying the new, self-titled release from The High Seas, featuring concertina player, Caitl?n Nic Gabhann. We pulled down new releases from London-based band, Artisan Row, … Read More

Show 021 – Summer Solstice (2018-06-23)

posted in: Past Shows

It’s the solstice, and summer has officially begun! The days are also starting to get shorter, but we’ll ignore that for now. Katie and Joe have chosen some songs and tunes that are ideal for lying on the beach, mowing … Read More

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